Indicator Definitions



Number of uniquely identified vessels that took a fishing trip in a calendar year.
Total Trips in a Calendar Year
The sum of trips from each FMP in a calendar year. See definition of trips in a FMP below.
Days at Sea
The sum of days at sea from each FMP in a calendar year. See definition of Days at Sea in a FMP below.
FMP Revenue
The sum of total revenue earned from each FMP fishery. See definition of revenue in a FMP below.


Number of vessels that take at least one trip where more than 50% of its revenue comes from species included in the FMP.
Trips in a FMP
Total trips taken in the FMP fishery. A trip is identified as having participated in the fishery if greater than 50% of the revenue for the trip was derived from FMP species.
Days at Sea
Time from when a vessel leaves port to when it returns on a trip in the FMP fishery. This metric is the sum of all days at sea by all vessels taking a trip in the FMP. The calculation of this metric does not include any demarcation lines.
For all trips that were identified as being in the specific FMP, total revenue consists of two parts. The first is revenue from species which are managed under the FMP (i.e. FMP Revenue), and the second is revenue from all other species outside of the FMP (i.e. non-FMP Revenue). Revenue for both categories is a total for the whole year. All revenue figures are deflated using the GDP implicit price deflator and a base year of 2012.
Average Prices
For each species in the FMP, this is an implicit price calculated as total deflated revenue divided by total landed pounds.
Revenue per Vessel
For each vessel included in the FMP data, deflated revenue is divided into FMP revenue and non-FMP revenue. Per vessel revenue is calculated as the total revenue in each category divided by the total vessels in each year.
Total Revenue per Trip
Total deflated revenue from FMP and non-FMP species divided by the total number of trips identified as having taken place in the fishery.
Revenue per Day at Sea
Total deflated revenue from both FMP and non-FMP species landed, divided by the total number of days absent on trips in the fishery.
Gini Coefficient
A measure of revenue inequality in the fishery, and can range between 0 (perfect equality) and 1 (perfect inequality). Perfect inequality means that one entity receives all the revenue from the fishery.

Σ (2in-1)xi ⁄ 2nū

Where: i = vessels's rank in revenue in ascending order; xi = annual revenue in the fishery for vessel i; n = total number of vessels; ū = mean vessel revenue


Commercial Fishing Engagement Index
One of a suite of Community Social Vulnerability Indicators (CSVIs) developed for use in fisheries social impact assessments. It is a measure of the importance of fishing, either FMP fishery or all species in a port. The index is developed at the port level by Fishery Management Plan (FMP) fishery and for overall fishing activity. The value landed, pounds landed, number of dealers and number of permits associated with an FMP fishery and the overall fishing activity for a port are aggregated by calendar year. Principal Component Factor Analysis is used to calculate the index factor scores. The port level factor scores appear in graphs and the categorical rankings associated with the factor scores appear in the table. Factor scores are categorized in tables as follows: Low = below zero standard deviations, Medium = above zero to .4999 standard deviations, Medium High = .5000 to .9999 standard deviations, and High = 1 standard deviation or above.